The Lewis Carroll Society News

'Looking for Alice' ox sculpture

Ox sculpture

As reported in Bandersnatch 196, the Society's 'Looking for Alice' ox scuplture will be unveiled in Oxford's Westgate Shopping Centre on Monday 27 January. The ceremony will commence at 11am, and everyone is welcome. More details will be emailed to members in early January.


Friday 15 November at 6.30 pm

Members are invited to attend the Society’s virtual AGM 2024 to receive the annual reports for the past year and to elect Officers and Committee Members for the year ahead.
Please Note: As only paid-up members can vote at the meeting it is essential for members to register to attend and (this is important) to receive the necessary Zoom link for the event. Do this by emailing the Secretary, in advance, at
Anyone wishing to stand for election to the Committee, including the posts of Chair,
Secretary and Treasurer, are also invited to contact the Secretary (on the same address) to
express an interest before the meeting. It has been an exciting and productive year but, going
forward, new ideas and energy are needed to sustain the momentum. So, if you think you
have something to offer, please let us know.

And, following the AGM business (circa 7.00 pm), we will be embarking on a…

Jabberwock drawing

Brian Sibley leads an expedition in search of the frabjous story of how a Stanza of so-called Anglo-Saxon Poetry, a Monster from the Tulgey Wood and a Beamish Boy with a Vorpal Blade helped ‘Jabberwocky’ become Lewis Carroll’s most celebrated poem. There will be ‘pictures and conversations’; but BEWARE! there may also be some whiffling and burbling!

Non-members wishing to attend should register in advance to receive the Zoom link (

ALICE’S DAY Oxford on Saturday 6 July 2024

Alice Day 2024 image


10.45am The Oxford Dodo – real and imagined Mark Carnall, Manager, Life
Collections, Oxford University Museum of Natural History, examines the evidence
11.30am Alice’s Adventures under Water Lenny de Rooy, author and Alice
expert, reveals the sources of inspiration for her humorous book of the same title
12.15pm Quest for The Jabberwock Brian Sibley, LCS Chair and writer, explains
how an Anglo-Saxon Stanza grew and became Carroll’s most celebrated poem
Lecture Theatre, Weston Library, Broad Street, Oxford OX1 3BG
(01865-277094; Admission is free

Sunday 7 July 2024
11am Alice's Pictures, Parks & Pleasure Walk visit
2pm Walk to the Treacle Well at Binsey booking at


OLEG LIPCHENKO: An Illustrator in the World of Lewis Carroll

6.30pm Friday 24 May 2024
Art Workers’ Guild, 6 Queen Square, London WC1 3AT

Oleg Lipchenko meeting

A unique opportunity to meet internationally acclaimed artist and illustrator, Oleg Lipchenko creator of stunning illustrations for Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Through the Looking-Glass and The Hunting of the Snark. At this event, you will see many of Oleg’s original illustrations and, in conversation, he will talk about his inspirations, techniques and his fascination with Lewis Carroll.

Booking Essential!
This is an in-person, live ticketed event, complimentary to paid-up members of the LCS.

Registration for the meeting at the AWG on Friday 24 May is closed. 

Please email if you wish to be contacted in case of a cancellation 

Barmy in Wonderland meeting

Barmy in Wonderland:

when the Cheshire Cat met the Newt

In this talk Sarah looks at the similarities, parallels and coincidences that link PG Wodehouse and Lewis Carroll. Expect surprising arrivals and departures, MI5, and mass poisonings!

A talk by Sarah Stanfield
(Past Chairman of The Lewis Carroll Society and member
of The PG Wodehouse Society UK)

4pm to 6.30pm Friday 13 October 2023

The Gradidge Room, The Art Workers’ Guild, 6 Queen Square,
London WC1N 3AT.

Talk followed by Plum Wodehouse cake and tea.
Members, free; non-members, £5 (cash only)

Alice in Cartoonland

Video recording of the talk of 8 September 2023.

Taking his title from a comment made to Alice by the Looking-Glass Gnat, Brian Sibley explores the comic universe of Carrollian cartoons, chronicling their history from Dodgson’s original illustrations for Alice’s Adventures Under Ground via those for Wonderland and Looking-Glass by legendary cartoonist and political satirist, Sir John Tenniel, through to the work of his modern-day counterparts.

Alice in Cartoonland

Alice in Cartoonland

Friday 8 September 2023 on Zoom

Talk starts at 6pm


Taking his title from a comment made to Alice by the Looking-Glass Gnat, Brian Sibley explores the comic universe of Carrollian cartoons, chronicling their history from Dodgson’s original illustrations for Alice’s Adventures Under Ground via those for Wonderland and Looking-Glass by legendary cartoonist and political satirist, Sir John Tenniel, through to the work of his modern-day counterparts.


All in the golden afternoon

Join us at 12noon on Tuesday 23 May on the Folly Bridge in Oxford (Abingdon Road, Oxford OX1 4LB)

when Gyles Brandreth will unveil a decorative plaque, marking the place where, on 4 July 1862, The Revd Charles Dodgson (Lewis Carroll), The Revd Robinson Duckworth, and the three Liddell sisters set off on a boating trip that would change literary history. For, as you all know, it was on this outing that the first version of Alice’s Adventures Underground (later entitled Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland) was told to the children.